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Appointment of Agent & General Power of Attorney
Attorney and agent name: Emily Hang Hin Leung
Attorney and agent Address: Suite 603, Level 6, North Tower, Chatswood Central, 1-5 Railway St, Chatswood NSW 2067
Contact Telephone Number: +61 2 9054 0610
Contact email:

Part 1 General

I appoint Emily Hang Hin Leung of Suite 603, Level 6, North Tower, Chatswood Central, 1-5 Railway St, Chatswood NSW 2067 to be my attorney. My attorney may exercise the authority conferred on my attorney by Part 2 of the powers of Attorney Act 2003 to do on my behalf anything I may lawfully authorise an attorney to do. My attorney's authority is subject to any additional details specified in Part 2 of this document. This power of attorney operates immediately. If I appoint more than one attorney, then I appoint them jointly and severally.

Part 2 Additional powers and restrictions

I authorise my attorney to:
(a) carry out any act and sign any document on my behalf for all matters concerning Australian income tax and superannuation; and
(b) receive and inspect confidential taxation information with respect to Australian income taxation and superannuation; and
(c) requesting and receiving from my employer(s) the PAYG payment summary statement of earnings, superannuation details or TFN; and
(d) obtaining information from any superannuation fund of which I may be a member in relation to any benefit to which I may be entitled; and
(e) signing any agreements, consents or other documents (including superannuation claim forms and DASP request) required to refund any overpaid taxes or facilitate the payment of any superannuation benefits.
(f) depositing any tax refund or superannuation proceeds into The Attorney bank account for the purpose of applying the whole or a part of it in payment of any bills for Professional fees and disbursements that has been rendered.

This power of attorney shall remain in full force and effect until the completion on my taxation and superannuation affairs.

Signed, sealed and delivered by

Clear Signature
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Suite 603, Level 6, North Tower, Chatswood Central, 1-5 Railway St, Chatswood NSW 2067

Postal Address:

PO Box 1154, Chatswood NSW 2057


Australia: +61 (02) 9054 0610
Hong Kong: +852 2127 0778


Office Hours:

Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm (AEST)

Professional Liability Capping Scheme

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.