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BAS 商业活动申报表 (出租车司机 )

银行账户资料 (退税用途)


请清楚列明收入和 GST 数目
请清楚列明支出和 GST 数目 (包括工作相关比率)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
*如果文件大 请直接电邮发送到

I declare that all the information provided above is true and correct, and I understand the tax law imposes heavy penalties for giving false or misleading information. I have all the necessary receipts and records to evidence my claims for deductions. I authorised ELTAX to lodge my activity statement. 我声明,上述所有提供的信息是真实的,正确的. 我理解税法规定对提供虚假或误导性信息重罚. 我拥有所有必要的收据和记录, 以证明我的工作开支. 我授权ELTAX递交我的申报表.

By submitting this form, I am accepting all the terms and conditions as stated by ELTAX Accountants.
本人已详细阅读并且了解ELTAX Accountants 的所有使用条款和退款细则

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Suite 603, Level 6, North Tower, Chatswood Central, 1-5 Railway St, Chatswood NSW 2067

Postal Address:

PO Box 1154, Chatswood NSW 2057


Australia: +61 (02) 9054 0610
Hong Kong: +852 2127 0778


Office Hours:

Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm (AEST)

Professional Liability Capping Scheme

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.